Here you'll find interesting facts that show you why the 'RAW FOOD' diet is best option for your pet.
"All Raw Pet Foods must pass regulations and tests as set out in EU Directives EU Directives No. 1069/2009 & 142/2011"
"Synopsis is that tests must show enterobacterial count of less than 5,000 and ZERO Salmonella. per gram of meat.
This is expressed in CFU/g or Colony forming units per gram.
A gram of meat contains close to 1 Billion Cells
Our Raw Pet foods have less than 5,000/parts per billion bacteria, and no salmonella.
Ciaran has developed a unique and approved method of manufacture where fresh meats, vegetables and natural additives are combined under temperature controlled and near sterile conditions.
These production methods are independently supervised by an external HACCP consultant and overseen by the Department of Agriculture
This requires attention to detail, stringent levels of cleanliness, and unprecedented attention to detail
A flawless 35 year track record in food production lies behind this unique system to bring you the very best for your pet.